Monday, March 18, 2013


Last week we made a sad decisions.

We are not moving to Large City this summer. Our original hope was that we would move to Large City, and both my partner and I would have a long commute to work, and that we would alternate days of going into work, while finding a daycare near the new house so that Epsilon did not have to undertake a long commute every day. For scheduling reasons, this does not seem possible. So we'll continue our two household existence. Which is too bad.

But there's a silver lining. Thanks to Epsilon's obsession with Rapunzel, we now need a new cast iron pot.

Thank you Tangled.

Actually, there's a few other things we could buy as well, but it didn't seem worth buying if we are just going to have to wrap and haul the heavy metal objects across town in 6 months. So now I get to drool over kitchen accessories.

I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to cast iron pans, so though Le Creuset has lots of colors and shapes, this is still my favorite, though a bit small. 

The pan that has served as our wok for the last 9 years is finally begging for retirement. It was a wonderful find from a second hand store during our first years in grad school. My mother has a large round bottomed brass pot that I still would love to inherit some day, but a cast iron wok would serve the same purpose. It would also have the additional advantage of being non-stick without the annoyance of the Teflon flaking off.
William and Sonoma have a nice set of traditional, seasoned, non-enameled pots, but the skillets are small. 

Lodge Logic, on the other hand, has a 17 inch skillet which is well worth my drool.

Decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to read about the non-move. Although I understand when you make these decisions but it is hard.

    hope that it will be a change later though, so you can live together.
